Monday, September 7, 2009

Little Chefs

I taught the children a song about pizza and i promised them that the moment they memorized it, we are going to make a pizza in school. That motivated them to learn the song very very quickly.

So last Friday was pizza day in school. We put all the ingredients that we learned in our pizza song like cheese, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, oregano, etc.... It was great to see the children busy putting the toppings.

At the end of the cooking session, one of the kids told me: " Teacher Madie, i want to be a chef someday". WOW! that was a great reward after a hard day's work.

formal pose

wacky pose

washing up

watching a film while waiting for the pizza to cook

chow time

Thursday, September 3, 2009

visite de la famille

My older brother from Australia , Maroine and his family, came to visit the school. As he plays the guitar very well, i asked him to do a little presentation for the children during Circle Time. My niece, Ivah Marie, who is into Origami, demonstrated to the kids how to make a frog and other Origami stuff. Everybody had FUN ! Proof? Just look at the photos below: